Name | Size | Date | Description |
051394EM.TXT | 4K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
9501BBB.ZIP | 65K | Jan 31, 2003 | Bible Believers' Bulletin January, 1995 |
ACTS301.ZIP | 190K | Jan 31, 2003 | ACTS 3.0 EGA Bible maps, text and quiz
An interactive Bible atlas and quiz
based on the N.T. book of Acts.
Visually follow the journeys of the
1st century apostles as you read.
AFA0794.ZIP | 98K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
ALLEN406.ZIP | 4K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
ALLOFUS.ZIP | 65K | Jan 31, 2003 | All of Us (Beset by Birth Decay and Death)
by Sister Ayya Khema. Twelve Dhamma talks
on practice.
A sermon by John MacArthur, Jr. on
how he believes God has left America
to suffer the consequences of its
immoral and violent behavior.
ANECDOT2.ZIP | 43K | Jan 31, 2003 | Anecdotes of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, II (U Chit Ti Anecdotes of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, II (U Chit Tin)
ANECDOTE.ZIP | 46K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Anecdotes of Sayagyi U Ba Khin (U Chit Ti The Anecdotes of Sayagyi U Ba Khin (U Chit Tin)
ANEWT30.ZIP | 262K | Jan 31, 2003 | ANIMATED NEW TESTAMENT v3.0 - helps children
(and adults) learn the books of the New
Testament. The books are scrambled, use the
mouse or keyboard to select them in proper
order. Help is given as needed. Animated
rewards are given for successful completion.
EGA and Hard Drive required. Keyboard and
mouse support. FREEWARE from FLIX
APRNTICE.ZIP | 15K | Jan 31, 2003 | Sang-Ngak-Cho-Dzong (Ngakpa Chogyam Rinpoche)
The Evolution of the Apprentice Programme
ARTMED.ZIP | 9K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Art of Attention (Ven. Pannyavaro)
BBE_611A.ZIP | 1M | Jan 31, 2003 | |
BBE_611B.ZIP | 32K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
BBESSAYS.ZIP | 88K | Jan 31, 2003 | Cover Essays from the Buddhist Publication
Society Newsletter, 1985-1993 (Bhikkhu
Bodhi). 25 reflections on Theravada
Buddhist practice, from the unique
perspective of this American-born scholar
monk living in the forests of Sri Lanka.
Highly recommended.
BCOMP501.ZIP | 198K | Jan 31, 2003 | A BIBLE COMPANION - Electronic handbook
A handy and informative Bible study
tool containing: 1) daily Bible reading
plan, 2) Charts, 3) Maps (with city/
region word search), 4) Dictionary,
5) Poetry & riddles, 6) Many articles
on Bible study, translations, and
hermeneutics. Plus more. Version 5.01
BERD.ZIP | 21K | Jan 31, 2003 | Buddhist Electronic Resources Directory
- (6/94) Buddhist resources available via
Internet, DharmaNet, & other networks
BHAV09N2.ZIP | 11K | Jan 31, 2003 | Bhavana Society Newsletter, Vol. 9, No. 2
(April-June 1993).
BHAV09N3.ZIP | 17K | Jan 31, 2003 | Bhavana Society Newsletter, Vol. 9, No. 3
(July-September 1993).
BHAV09N4.ZIP | 17K | Jan 31, 2003 | Bhavana Society Newsletter, Vol. 9, No. 4
(October-December 1993).
BHAV10N1.ZIP | 11K | Jan 31, 2003 | Bhavana Society Newsletter, Vol. 10, No. 1
(January-March, 1994).
BHAV10N2.ZIP | 25K | Jan 31, 2003 | Bhavana Society Newsletter, Vol. 10, No. 2
(April-June, 1994). Metta (Bhante
Gunaratana); Renunciation (Rev. Sister
Sucinta (Ruth Baumann)); Sangha (Geoffery
Huggins); Book Review (Kornfield: //Path
with Heart//).
BIBLFAQ1.ZIP | 12K | Jan 31, 2003 | Bible Study FAQ from the Internet |
BIBLFAQ2.ZIP | 13K | Jan 31, 2003 | Bible Software FAQ from the Internet |
BLACKTH.TXT | 16K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
BODHI014.ZIP | 14K | Jan 31, 2003 | Pride and Conceit (Dr. Elizabeth Ashby &
Brian Fawcett) Bodhi Leaf No. B. 14.
BODHI036.ZIP | 21K | Jan 31, 2003 | Renunciation, by T. Prince (Buddhist
Publication Society "Bodhi Leaves" #36)
BODHI071.ZIP | 12K | Jan 31, 2003 | "The Taste of Freedom" (Bhikkhu Bodhi) BPS
Bodhi Leaves No. B.71. Short essay on the
difference between the conventional notion
of freedom and that offered by the Buddha.
BODHI096.ZIP | 16K | Jan 31, 2003 | "To the Cemetery and Back" & "Dark Ages,
Golden Ages" (Leonard Price) BPS Bodhi
Leaves No. B.96. Two short reflections on
the urgency Dhamma practice.
BOOKNEWS.ZIP | 8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Dharma Book Transcription Project Bulletin Dharma Book Transcription Project Bulletin
- rev. 10/19/94 (John Bullitt)
BPF.GIF | 8K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
BPSCAT94.ZIP | 36K | Jan 31, 2003 | Publications on Buddhism: Buddhist
Publication Society 1994 International
Mail-order catalogue.
BRAD_W02.ZIP | 486K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
BUDAGOD.ZIP | 6K | Jan 31, 2003 | Is There A God? A Buddhist Answer (Unno)
BUDDHO.ZIP | 21K | Jan 31, 2003 | Buddho, by Phra Ajaan Thate Desaransi. A meditation master Buddho, by Phra Ajaan Thate Desaransi. A
meditation master of the Thai forest
tradition offers instructions on using the
meditation word "Buddho".
BUDWORLD.ZIP | 57K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Buddhist World of Awakening
BURMAMED.ZIP | 14K | Jan 31, 2003 | Buddhist Meditation in Burma (Nottingham) Buddhist Meditation in Burma (Nottingham)
CATALOG.ZIP | 24K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
CATH-03.ZIP | 22K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
CCARDS10.ZIP | 200K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
CDN_HQS.EXE | 114K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
CDN_INC.TXT | 6K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
CDN_KIT4.EXE | 57K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
CDN_RULE.ZIP | 15K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
CELB0794.ZIP | 88K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
CENTER.ZIP | 8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Shinjin - The Center of Experience
CHIN-MFN.ZIP | 10K | Jan 31, 2003 | News Excerpts re: Renewal of China's MFN Status
CHRISTIA.TXT | 47K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
CRCHDB01.ZIP | 221K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
CSTAR.ZIP | 154K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
CUJ0102.ZIP | 180K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
We think we are doing the right
thing. We think that if we pass laws
to raise their wages and lower their
rent, if we give generously to help
support mothers without husbands and
children without fathers, we can aid
the poor in their flight from poverty
and alleviate much of their distress.
We are wrong. Here's why...
DHARMA.ZIP | 42K | Jan 31, 2003 | DharmaNET INFO, FAQ, Application, etc. |
DHARMBBS.ZIP | 10K | Jan 31, 2003 | Buddhist Resources - BBS Directory (6/8/94)
DI-LOGO.GIF | 4K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
DIR_SF.ZIP | 5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Buddhist Directory - San Francisco CA (8/94)
DL_21ST.ZIP | 8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Challenges of 21st Century (Dalai Lama)
- New York City April 27, 1994
DL_ENVIR.ZIP | 7K | Jan 31, 2003 | Universal Responsibility & Our Global Environment
- HH the Dalai Lama (March 22, 1994)
DSTL1994.ZIP | 29K | Jan 31, 2003 | Dharma Seed Tape Library Mail Order Catalogue Basic Catalo Dharma Seed Tape Library Mail Order
Catalogue -- Basic Catalogue 1994. Audio and
video tapes of talks by teachers at IMS,
IMW, and BCBS.
ELEMENTS.ZIP | 11K | Jan 31, 2003 | Meditation on the Elements (Sayagyi U Chit Ti Meditation on the Elements (Sayagyi U Chit Tin)
ESSAY_26.ZIP | 9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Association with the Wise, by Bhikkhu Bodhi (Buddhist Publ Association with the Wise, by Bhikkhu Bodhi
(Buddhist Publication Society Newsletter
Cover Essay, No. 26, 1st Mailing 1994)
ESSAY_27.ZIP | 9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Dhamma & Non-duality (Part I), by Bhikkhu Bodhi (Buddhist Dhamma & Non-duality (Part I), by Bhikkhu
Bodhi (Buddhist Publication Society
Newsletter Cover Essay, No. 27, 2nd Mailing
FAITH_IN.ZIP | 77K | Jan 31, 2003 | Faith in Mind: A Guide to Ch'an Practice, by Master Sheng- Faith in Mind: A Guide to Ch'an Practice, by
Master Sheng-Yen
FMLY0406.ZIP | 26K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
FREEDOM.ZIP | 3K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
FRONT300.ZIP | 155K | Jan 31, 2003 | FRONTLETS - VGA Bible verse screen saver
An attractive VGA screen saver with a
Bible theme. A different verse appears
every 10 seconds in LARGE hi-resolution
graphics. Sure to draw attention.
Includes setup/configuration utility.
Version 3.0
GASS0105.ZIP | 113K | Jan 31, 2003 | GASSHO v1n5 - Women in Buddhism
- Anne Klein, Ayya Khema, etc.
GOODFOOD.ZIP | 118K | Jan 31, 2003 | Food for the Heart: 10 Dhamma talks by
Venerable Ajahn Chah.
GOODFRND.ZIP | 16K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Good Friend (Sayagyi U Chit Tin) The Good Friend (Sayagyi U Chit Tin)
GOODRT30.ZIP | 298K | Jan 31, 2003 | Good Report v3.0 - A Complete Integrated
Church Management Package. Modules
include: * MEMBERSHIP DATABASE - with
user definable fields * TITHES MODULE -
quick & easy tithe entry * SUNDAY
SCHOOL - tracks offering and attendance
* TRANSACTION MODULE - tracks all church
funds, create financial reports on
anything, including members tithe and
offerings, church funds, vendors, graphs
and more! Put Good Report to work for you
today! (c) First Class Software, Inc.
GOSPEL21.ZIP | 218K | Jan 31, 2003 | GOSPEL PARALLELS-Side by side NT Bible
All 4 gospels appear on screen side by
side for reading, scrolling, word
search and studying. Includes notepad,
chronological index & instant parallel
passage displays. Maps. Version 2.1
GUARDIAN.ZIP | 10K | Jan 31, 2003 | Two Guardians of the World (Sayagyi U Chit Ti Two Guardians of the World (Sayagyi U Chit Tin)
HERE&NOW.ZIP | 78K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
HR-EMAIL.ZIP | 3K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
HSDMAY.ZIP | 11K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
IBC-INFO.ZIP | 2K | Jan 31, 2003 | Interracial Buddhist Council - info
IM_V10N2.ZIP | 101K | Jan 31, 2003 | Inquiring Mind: A Semi-annual Journal of
the Vipassana Community (Volume 10, No. 2
-- Spring 1994: "Storytelling"). Articles
by Tenshin Reb Anderson, Lama Surya Das,
Rafe Martin, Steven Smith, Corey Fischer,
Michael Meade, Jeff Greenwald, Kate
Wheeler, others.
IMC-1103.ZIP | 10K | Jan 31, 2003 | Vipassana Newsletter v11n3 (IMC)
IMC-1104.ZIP | 10K | Jan 31, 2003 | Vipassana Newsletter v11n4 (IMC) Vipassana Newsletter v11n4 (IMC)
IMC-1201.ZIP | 11K | Jan 31, 2003 | Vipassana Newsletter v12n1 (IMC-UK) Vipassana Newsletter v12n1 (IMC-UK)
IMCINF.ZIP | 6K | Jan 31, 2003 | Int'l Meditation Centres - Sayagyi U Ba Khin
IMP-107A.ZIP | 9K | Jan 31, 2003 | "Evolution Is Religion, Not Science" by Henry M. Morris. T "Evolution Is Religion, Not Science" by
Henry M. Morris. The religious nature of
evolution as expressed by leading
evolutionists and the scientific
irrelevance of evolution. Institute for
Creation Research _Impact_ article #107,
May 1982. Produced & distributed by GenNet
in co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-184A.ZIP | 9K | Jan 31, 2003 | "The Meaning of "Day" in Genesis" by James Stambaugh. Exam "The Meaning of "Day" in Genesis" by James
Stambaugh. Examination of how the word
"day" is used in Genesis and throughout the
Bible. Concludes day means 24-hour period
in Genesis 1. Institute for Creation
Research _Impact_ article #184, October
1988. Produced & distributed by GenNet in
co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-188A.ZIP | 19K | Jan 31, 2003 | "The Mystery of the Earth's Magnetic Field" by Russell Hum "The Mystery of the Earth's Magnetic Field"
by Russell Humphreys, Ph.D. Review of
creationist research on the decay of the
earth's magnetic field and bearing on the
Genesis flood. Institute for Creation
Research _Impact_ article #188, February
1989. Produced & distributed by GenNet in
co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-198A.ZIP | 54K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
IMP-209A.ZIP | 9K | Jan 31, 2003 | "Evolution and the Wages of Sin" by John D. Morris. A look "Evolution and the Wages of Sin" by John D.
Morris. A look at death, sin, evolution,
and the Bible. How different, and
compatible, are they? Institute for
Creation Research _Impact_ article #209,
November 1990. Produced & distributed by
GenNet in co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-220A.ZIP | 9K | Jan 31, 2003 | "Columbus and His Creator" by Paul G. Humber. Christopher "Columbus and His Creator" by Paul G.
Humber. Christopher Columbus's views about
the Creator and motivation for finding the
New World. Institute for Creation Research
_Impact_ article #209, November 1990.
Produced & distributed by GenNet in
co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-221A.ZIP | 9K | Jan 31, 2003 | "The Bible, Creation, and Ecology" by Henry M. Morris. The "The Bible, Creation, and Ecology" by Henry
M. Morris. The Biblical basis for a
Christian approach to ecology. Also
critiques environmentalism and pantheism.
Institute for Creation Research _Impact_
article #221, November 1991. Produced &
distributed by GenNet in co-operation with
IMP-249A.ZIP | 10K | Jan 31, 2003 | "Darwin's Teaching of Women's Inferiority" by Dr. Jerry Be "Darwin's Teaching of Women's Inferiority"
by Dr. Jerry Bergman. Examination of
Darwin's evolutionarily based view of
women's inferiority. Institute for
Creation Research _Impact_ article #249,
March 1994. Produced & distributed by
GenNet in co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-250A.ZIP | 10K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
IMP-251A.ZIP | 10K | Jan 31, 2003 | "Star Formation and Genesis 1" by James Stambaugh. Examina "Star Formation and Genesis 1" by James
Stambaugh. Examination of Genesis 1:14-19 and
Dr. Hugh Ross' interpretation of these verses
and the formation of stars. Institute for
Creation Research _Impact_ article #250, May
1994. Produced & distributed by GenNet in
co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-252A.ZIP | 9K | Jan 31, 2003 | "Tree Rings and Biblical Chronology" by Frank Lorey. Using "Tree Rings and Biblical Chronology" by
Frank Lorey. Using Bristlecone pine
tree-rings to date creation and Noah's
flood. Institute for Creation Research
_Impact_ article #252, June 1994. Produced
& distributed by GenNet in co-operation
with I.C.R. (Note: two illustrations not
included with this file.)
IMP-253A.ZIP | 9K | Jan 31, 2003 | "Geocentricity and Creation" by Gerald E. Aardsma. Review "Geocentricity and Creation" by Gerald E.
Aardsma. Review of geocentricity,
heliocentricity, and Bible. Concludes
geocentricity is not taught in the Bible.
Institute for Creation Research _Impact_
article #253, July 1994. Produced &
distributed by GenNet in co-operation with
IMP-254A.ZIP | 43K | Jan 31, 2003 | "Out of Whose Womb Came the Ice?" by Larry Vardiman. An ex "Out of Whose Womb Came the Ice?" by Larry
Vardiman. An examination of ice core data,
temperature changes, & precipitation in
support of a world-wide flood & only one
Ice Age. Computer stimulations also
presented. Includes 2 .PCX files (1 B&W, 1
color) figures. Institute for Creation
Research _Impact_ article #254, August
1994. Produced & distributed by GenNet in
co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-255A.ZIP | 32K | Jan 31, 2003 | "A Practical Model for Integrating Science and Faith" by S "A Practical Model for Integrating Science
and Faith" by Stephen W. Deckard. How to
integrate Science with Faith...and become a
better scientist! Includes two .PCX files
of figures. Institute for Creation Research
_Impact_ article #255, September 1994.
Produced & distributed by GenNet in
co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-256A.ZIP | 44K | Jan 31, 2003 | "Gravity" by Don. B. DeYoung, Ph.D. Overview of the nature "Gravity" by Don. B. DeYoung, Ph.D.
Overview of the nature of gravity and its
relation to the Bible. Includes 3 .PCX
files of illustrations and table. Institute
for Creation Research _Impact_ article
#256, October 1994. Produced & distributed
by GenNet in co-operation with I.C.R.
IMP-257A.ZIP | 10K | Jan 31, 2003 | "The New State Religion: Atheism" by Jerry Bergman. Examin "The New State Religion: Atheism" by Jerry
Bergman. Examination of the atheist views
of several prominent evolutionist and their
efforts to negate the influence of
religion. Institute for Creation Research
_Impact_ article #257, November 1994.
Produced & distributed by GenNet in
co-operation with I.C.R.
IMPBUD.ZIP | 22K | Jan 31, 2003 | Importance of True Buddhist Meditation Today
(Saya U Chit Tin)
IMS9401.ZIP | 48K | Jan 31, 2003 | Insight Newsletter, Spring 1994. Interview
with Christina Feldman; Death Awareness by
Larry Rosenberg; New Approaches by Andy
Olendzki; Electronic Dharma; Pali
Translation. Published by Insight
Meditation Society and Barre Center for
Buddhist Studies.
INWARD.ZIP | 32K | Jan 31, 2003 | Looking Inward: Observations on the Art of Meditation, by Looking Inward: Observations on the Art of
Meditation, by K. Khao-suan-luang.
Translated from the Thai by Thanissaro
JIZO.ZIP | 7K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Buddha's Way & Abortion (Yvonne Rand)
JODOSHIN.ZIP | 29K | Jan 31, 2003 | Jodoshinshu in a Nutshell (author unknown)
JSHINPER.ZIP | 9K | Jan 31, 2003 | Pure Realm Buddhism (Ken O'Neill)
JUKAI-T.ZIP | 5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Teisho: Jukai - A Refuge & A Home (Tarrant)
KJV105.ZIP | 182K | Jan 31, 2003 | KJVocabulary 1.05 King James Bible quiz
Is the King James Version full of hard
archaic words? Through a quiz interface
learn the meaning of all those tough
Bible words, like "concupiscence".
Also features a handy dictionary, and
printouts. Fun & interesting way to
increase one's knowledge of the Bible.
LAYLIFE.ZIP | 6K | Jan 31, 2003 | Fortunate & Ongoing Disaster of Lay Life (Tarrant)
LEEAUTO.ZIP | 153K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Autobiography of Phra Ajaan Lee (Ajaan Lee Dhammadaro) The Autobiography of Phra Ajaan Lee (Ajaan
Lee Dhammadaro). Translated from the Thai by
Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
LIVING.ZIP | 94K | Jan 31, 2003 | Living Dhamma: 9 Dhamma talks by Venerable
Ajahn Chah.
LYSISTRA.ZIP | 88K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
MAEZUMI.ZIP | 5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Realizing Our True Nature (Maezumi Roshi)
MAEZUMI2.ZIP | 6K | Jan 31, 2003 | Ki: A Teisho (Taizan Maezumi Roshi)
MANTEN.ZIP | 15K | Jan 31, 2003 | Mantienendo la Mente en la Respiracion, por
Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo. Traducido del ingles
por Joan B. Llorens. ("Keeping the Breath
in Mind" by Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo,
translated from the English by Joan B.
Llorens. Original English translation of
the Thai by Thanissaro Bhikkhu)
MFN-PR.ZIP | 21K | Jan 31, 2003 | White House Press Releases re: MFN (5/26/94)
MILES252.ZIP | 325K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
MONK-REG.ZIP | 11K | Jan 31, 2003 | PRC Regulation of Monks/Nuns
MOONGOD.COM | 9K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
MOTHER.ZIP | 31K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Mother Essence Lineage (Ngakpa Chogyam Rinpoche)
MS411_12.ZIP | 117K | Jan 31, 2003 | Morning Star Magazine for Nov-Dec 1994 |
MSDR1091.ZIP | 30K | Jan 31, 2003 | Morning Star Christian Magazine reader files |
MSDR110.ZIP | 55K | Jan 31, 2003 | BBS door program to allow callers to read Morning star on BBS door program to allow callers to read
Morning star on line
MSTAR408.ZIP | 100K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
MSTAR410.ZIP | 128K | Jan 31, 2003 | Morning Star '94 - The Return of Jesus Christ (Revelation) Morning Star '94 - The Return of Jesus Christ
MSTAR49.ZIP | 100K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
MSTAR501.ZIP | 84K | Jan 31, 2003 | Missions and missionaries for January 1995 |
MVERSE32.ZIP | 108K | Jan 31, 2003 | MEMORY VERSE 3.2 Bible verse helps
user to memorize important Scripture
passages. Many verses included. User
can add/edit to database of verses.
Mouse and printer support. KJV & NIV
MYSBABLN.ZIP | 44K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
NETMAP52.ZIP | 111K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
NIBBANA.ZIP | 11K | Jan 31, 2003 | Concerning Nibbana-Dhatu (Sayagyi U Chit Tin) Concerning Nibbana-Dhatu (Sayagyi U Chit Tin)
NWDA-DIR.ZIP | 5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Northwest Dharma Association Directory of
Buddhist Meditation Groups (rev. 3/94)
OLB611IN.ZIP | 1M | Jan 31, 2003 | |
OLSN_100.ZIP | 73K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
ONLYISM.ZIP | 13K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
ORIGIN.ZIP | 127K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
ORIGINAT.ZIP | 15K | Jan 31, 2003 | Dependent Origination (Hammalawa Saddhatissa) Dependent Origination (Hammalawa Saddhatissa)
PAPAM2.ZIP | 147K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
PARAMI-1.ZIP | 54K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Perfection of Generosity (IMC-UK) The Perfection of Generosity (IMC-UK)
PARAMI-5.ZIP | 13K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Perfection of Effort (IMC-UK) The Perfection of Effort (IMC-UK)
PARAMI-6.ZIP | 12K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Perfection of Patience (IMC-UK) The Perfection of Patience (IMC-UK)
PATHSTEP.ZIP | 19K | Jan 31, 2003 | Steps Along the Path, by Phra Ajaan Thate Desaransi. Step- Steps Along the Path, by Phra Ajaan Thate
Desaransi. Step-by-step instructions for
the development of insight.
PENGLIST.ZIP | 9K | Jan 31, 2003 | A Compilation of Buddhism Resources (Hsuan Pe A Compilation of Buddhism Resources (Hsuan Peng)
Why does marriage occupy such a
prominent place in the Bible? Includes
lots of helpful information for those
seeking to marry. VGA tract.
PRC-MAIL.ZIP | 4K | Jan 31, 2003 | Mailing List of PRC Officials (ICLT)
PURELAND.ZIP | 12K | Jan 31, 2003 | Discourse by 13th Patriarch (Yin Gwang)
Q&A.COM | 7K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
READMIND.ZIP | 19K | Jan 31, 2003 | Reading the Mind: Advice for Meditators from
the talks of K. Khao-suan-luang. Translated
from the Thai by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
RECEPTUS.TXT | 17K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
RETREATS.ZIP | 33K | Jan 31, 2003 | Buddhist Meditation Retreats & Events (1994) Buddhist Meditation Retreats & Events (1994)
SAMYTALK.ZIP | 5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Teisho: Heart to Heart (Ama SAMY S.J. Roshi)
SARVODAY.ZIP | 11K | Jan 31, 2003 | For the Awakening of All (Joanna Macy)
The Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement in Sri Lanka
SCHEDULE.ZIP | 56K | Jan 31, 2003 | Schedules of Meditation Retreats, Classes & Events (rev 11 Schedules of Meditation Retreats, Classes &
Events (rev 11/94)
SCOPES03.ZIP | 21K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
SITGROUP.ZIP | 26K | Jan 31, 2003 | Directory of Sitting/Practice Groups
-- USA (John Bullitt, ed)
SON794.ZIP | 7K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
SPUR_041.ZIP | 24K | Jan 31, 2003 | SPURGEON (0.41) An easy way to read C.H. Spur SPURGEON (0.41) An easy way to read C.H. Spurgeons M&E readings and all other topics * Mouse support! * 'NETWARE': write 1 netmailmsg *
SQ502.ZIP | 161K | Jan 31, 2003 | SCRIPTURE QUEST In-depth Bible Q&A game
Tests Bible knowledge with over 1600
questions. 1-9 players. Play against
the clock. Top ten score chart. Great
way to learn about the Bible. Very
attractively done, and challenging.
TBMC_1.ZIP | 76K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Buddhist Monastic Code: The Patimokkha
Training Rules Translated and Explained
(Thanissaro Bhikkhu). 575 page
comprehensive modern commentary on the
rules of conduct for Theravada monks
(bhikkhus). This is Part 1 of 4.
TBMC_2.ZIP | 136K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Buddhist Monastic Code: The Patimokkha
Training Rules Translated and Explained
(Thanissaro Bhikkhu). 575 page
comprehensive modern commentary on the
rules of conduct for Theravada monks
(bhikkhus). This is Part 2 of 4.
TBMC_3.ZIP | 113K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Buddhist Monastic Code: The Patimokkha
Training Rules Translated and Explained
(Thanissaro Bhikkhu). 575 page
comprehensive modern commentary on the
rules of conduct for Theravada monks
(bhikkhus). This is Part 3 of 4.
TBMC_4.ZIP | 115K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Buddhist Monastic Code: The Patimokkha
Training Rules Translated and Explained
(Thanissaro Bhikkhu). 575 page
comprehensive modern commentary on the
rules of conduct for Theravada monks
(bhikkhus). This is Part 4 of 4.
TCCSC.ZIP | 4K | Jan 31, 2003 | |
TEACHERS.ZIP | 12K | Jan 31, 2003 | Practising What We Preach (Sayagyi U Chit Tin Practising What We Preach (Sayagyi U Chit Tin)
TEARS_A2.ZIP | 275K | Jan 31, 2003 | Tears Of The Prophets - Volume 2
Tears sets a new standard for electronic magazines
both in content and format. In addition to being
filled with challenging and encouraging articles,
it uses the Windows 3.1 Help System as a reader
program to provide hypertext access to both the
text and graphics of the hardcopy edition.
>>> WARNING <<< This magazine is hazardous to
hardness of heart conditions.
TEDN_014.ZIP | 19K | Jan 31, 2003 | Tibetan Environment & Development News #14
TERG.ZIP | 18K | Jan 31, 2003 | Tibetan Electronic Resources Guide (TERG)
THECRAFT.ZIP | 118K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Craft of the Heart, by Ajaan Lee
Dhammadharo. Translated from the Thai by
Thanissaro Bhikkhu.
TIB-0794.ZIP | 51K | Jan 31, 2003 | Tibetan Bulletin (July/August 1994)
TIB-0994.ZIP | 52K | Jan 31, 2003 | Tibetan Bulletin (September/October 1994) Tibetan Bulletin (September/October 1994)
TIB-1194.ZIP | 54K | Jan 31, 2003 | Tibetan Bulletin (November/December 1994) Tibetan Bulletin (November/December 1994)
TIB-FILM.ZIP | 21K | Jan 31, 2003 | Films & Videos on Tibet (Sonam Dargyay)
TIBETRPT.ZIP | 4K | Jan 31, 2003 | ITC: New Reports on Tibet
TIBRADIO.ZIP | 5K | Jan 31, 2003 | Tibetan Language Radio Broadcasts
TIRATANA.ZIP | 45K | Jan 31, 2003 | What is the Triple Gem? by Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo, translat What is the Triple Gem? by Ajaan Lee
Dhammadharo, translated from the Thai by
Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff).
TRUEWORD.ZIP | 8K | Jan 31, 2003 | Words of Truth: A Prayer for Peace in Tibet
and Compassion in the World (His Holiness
Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama)
1) "Next to land, nothing matters so
much in the Middle East as water."
2) "Some time between the years 1995
and 2005 there is a high probability
that Israel, the West Bank and Jordan
will face such progressively
worsening water shortages that there
will be conflict".
WHBUIS.ZIP | 31K | Jan 31, 2003 | What Buddhism Is (Sayagyi U Ba Khin)
WHEEL006.ZIP | 21K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Four Sublime States: Contemplations on Love, Compassio The Four Sublime States: Contemplations on
Love, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy and
Equanimity, by Nyanaponika Thera. (Buddhist
Publication Society "Wheel" Publication
No. 6).
WHEEL008.ZIP | 15K | Jan 31, 2003 | Kalama Sutta: The Buddha's Charter of Free
Inquiry (Soma Thera, tr.) BPS Wheel
Publication No. 8. Includes a short essay
by Bhikkhu Bodhi as a commentary.
WHEEL021.ZIP | 21K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Removal of Distracting Thoughts
(Vitakka-Santhana Sutta). Translated from
the Pali by Soma Thera (Buddhist
Publication Society "Wheel" No. 21)
WHEEL102.ZIP | 34K | Jan 31, 2003 | Buddhist Reflections on Death, by V.F. Gunaratna (Buddhist Buddhist Reflections on Death, by V.F.
Gunaratna (Buddhist Publication Society
"Wheel" Publication No. 102/103)
WHEEL121.ZIP | 46K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Power of Mindfulness, by Nyanaponika
Thera (BPS Wheel Publication No. 121/122)
WHEEL241.ZIP | 47K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Worn-Out Skin: Reflections on the Uraga Sutta, by Nyan The Worn-Out Skin: Reflections on the Uraga
Sutta, by Nyanaponika Thera. (Buddhist
Publication Society "Wheel" Publication No.
WHEEL248.ZIP | 28K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Buddha's Words on Kamma: Four suttas
from the Majjhima Nikaya (Bhikkhu Nanamoli,
tr.) Buddhist Publication Society Wheel
Publication No. 248/249.
WHEEL280.ZIP | 20K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Position of Women in Buddhism, by Dr.
(Mrs.) L.S. Dewaraja. (Buddhist Publication
Society "Wheel" Publication No. 280)
WHEEL377.ZIP | 49K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Discourse on Right View: The Sammaditthi Sutta and its The Discourse on Right View: The
Sammaditthi Sutta and its Commentary.
Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu
Nanamoli; edited and revised by Bhikkhu
Bodhi. (Buddhist Publication Society
"Wheel" Publication No. 377/379).
WHEEL386.ZIP | 28K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Edicts of King Asoka: An English Rendering by Ven. S. The Edicts of King Asoka: An English
Rendering by Ven. S. Dhammika (Buddhist
Publication Society "Wheel" Publication No.
WHEEL390.ZIP | 33K | Jan 31, 2003 | The Lion's Roar: Two Discourses of the Buddha. Translated The Lion's Roar: Two Discourses of the
Buddha. Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu
Nanamoli; edited and revised by Bhikkhu
Bodhi. (Buddhist Publication Society "Wheel"
Publication No. 390/391).
WHEEL392.ZIP | 50K | Jan 31, 2003 | Violence and Disruption in Society: A Study of the Early B Violence and Disruption in Society: A Study
of the Early Buddhist Texts, by Elizabeth J.
Harris (Buddhist Publication Society "Wheel"
Publication No. 392/393)
WTN-0494.ZIP | 227K | Jan 31, 2003 | World Tibet Network News - April 1994
WTN-0594.ZIP | 339K | Jan 31, 2003 | World Tibet Network News - May 1994
WTN-0694.ZIP | 301K | Jan 31, 2003 | World Tibet Network News - June 1994
WTN-0894.ZIP | 243K | Jan 31, 2003 | World Tibet Network News - August 1994 World Tibet Network News - August 1994
WTN-0994.ZIP | 237K | Jan 31, 2003 | World Tibet Network News - September 1994 World Tibet Network News - September 1994
WTN-1094.ZIP | 297K | Jan 31, 2003 | World Tibet Network News - October 1994 World Tibet Network News - October 1994
WTN-1194.ZIP | 321K | Jan 31, 2003 | World Tibet Network News - November 1994 World Tibet Network News - November 1994
ZAZEN.ZIP | 4K | Jan 31, 2003 | How to Sit (Zazen)
195 files
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